The Cross Art Projects. Artist Exhibition, Debra Phillips, A talker’s echo. 2023

Books Made By Artists — 17 to 19 August 2007

Books Made By Artists presented by The Cross Art Projects ~ Invitation to a Small Library — Something to Stand On, Something to Throw, Something to Swear On

The exhibit encompassed some of the corners and positions of the activity known as ‘artist books’ — but with a social emphasis.

5th Sydney Book Fair, Rex Community Centre, Kings Cross

Friday 17 August to 19 August 2007

The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007
The Cross Art Projects, Artist Exhibition. Undermining Rivers: Sydney’s Drinking Water Endangered by Longwall Coal Mining — 18 July to 11 August 2007

Duke / Elastic / Lives of the Artists / Loose Projects / Pickafight Books /
Jim Anderson & Robert Lake / Lisa Andrew / Loma Bridge / Joop Buis /
Gary Carsley / Peeping Tom aka Thomas Burless / Tom Carment / Carla Cescon /
Cordeiro & Healy / Liz Day / Jayne Dyer / Nicole Ellis / Nola Farman /
Anastasia Flanagan / Emily Hunt and Raquel Welch / Andrew Hurle /
Patrick Jones / Phillip Juster / Ruark Lewis / Fiona MacDonald / Marian Macken /
Kate Mackay / Anthony Mannix / Dennis Mizzi / Andrew Norton /
Raquel Ormella & Regina Walter / Patsy Payne / Elizabeth Pulie / 
Linda Marie Walker / John von Sturmer & Toni Warburton /
Miriam Williams / Toby Zoates